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Expo Modules API: Get started

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Learn about getting started with Expo modules API.

There are two ways to get started with the Expo Modules API: you can either initialize a new module from scratch or add the Expo Modules API to an existing module. This guide will walk you through creating a new module from scratch, and the Integrating in an existing library guide covers the latter case.

The two recommended flows to create a new module with Expo Modules API:

  • Add a new module to an existing Expo application, and use it to test and develop your module.

  • Create a new module in isolation with a generated example project if you want to reuse it in multiple projects or publish it to npm.

Both of these flows are covered in the next sections.

Adding a new module to an existing application


Creating the local Expo module

Navigate to your project directory (the one that contains the package.json file) and run the following command, which is the recommended way to create a local Expo module:

npx create-expo-module@latest --local

It's best to provide a meaningful module name. However, you can accept the default suggestions for the rest of the questions.


Using the module

If you have an ios directory in your project that you created using npx expo prebuild, you must reinstall the pods:

pod install --project-directory=ios

Note: If you're using a development client, you need to rebuild your development client any time you want to use new native code.

Now, import the module in your application, for example in App.js or App.tsx:

import { hello } from './modules/my-module';

To run your app locally, run the prebuild command and then compile the app:

# Re-generate the native project directories from scratch
npx expo prebuild --clean
# Run the example app on Android
npx expo run:android
# Run the example app on iOS
npx expo run:ios

Congratulations! You have created a local Expo module. You can now start working on it.

Note: You can also use absolute import paths with some configuration changes.


Editing the module


If you have an android directory in your project that you created using npx expo prebuild, you can open the directory in Android Studio.

You can always just edit the files in the modules/my-module/android/src/main/java/expo/modules/mymodule/ directory directly in your favorite text editor.

Change the hello method to return a different string. For example, you can change it to return "Hello world! 🌎🤖".

Rebuild the app or build a new development client and you should see your change.


Open the files in modules/my-module/ios/ directory in your favorite code editor to edit them. Alternatively, if you have an ios directory in your project that was created using npx expo prebuild, you can use Xcode to edit them.

Now, change the hello method to return a different string. For example, you can change it to return "Hello world! 🌎🍎".

Rebuild the app or build a new development client and you should see your change. Remember you need to either run npx expo prebuild each time you make a native change or reinstall the pods using pod install --project-directory="example/ios" (which should be way faster).

Note: There are also other flows for working on an Expo module in parallel with your application. For example, you can use a monorepo or publish to npm, as described in the How to use a standalone Expo module in your project guide.

Creating a new module with an example project


Creating the Expo module

To create a new Expo module from scratch, run the create-expo-module script as shown below. The script will ask you a few questions and then generate the native Expo module along with the example app for Android and iOS that uses your new module.

npx create-expo-module my-module


Running the example project

Navigate to the module directory and then open the Android and/or iOS example project by running the following commands:

cd my-module
npm run open:android
npm run open:ios

Now, you can run the example project on your device or simulator/emulator. When the project compiles and runs, you will see "Hello world! 👋" on the screen.

Note: If you're using Windows, you can open the example project by opening the android directory in Android Studio, but you cannot open the iOS project files.


Making a change


Open up MyModuleModule.kt in Android Studio (⌘ Cmd + O or Ctrl + O and search for MyModuleModule.kt). Change the hello method to return a different string. For example, you can change it to return "Hello world! 🌎🤖". Rebuild the app and you should see your change.


Open up MyModuleModule.swift in Xcode (⌘ Cmd + O or Ctrl + O and search for MyModuleModule.swift). Change the hello method to return a different string. For example, you can change it to return "Hello world! 🌎🍎".

If you added new native files, you need to reinstall the pods using pod install --project-directory="example/ios".

Rebuild the app and you should see your change.

Next steps

Now that you have learned how to initialize a module and make simple changes to it, you can continue to a tutorial or dive right into the API reference.

Create your first native module

Create a simple, but complete, native module to interact with Android and iOS preferences APIs.

Module API Reference

Outline for the Expo Module API and common patterns like sending events from native code to JavaScript.