EAS Build
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EAS Build is a hosted service for building app binaries for your Expo and React Native projects.
EAS Build is a hosted service for building app binaries for your Expo and React Native projects.
It makes building your apps for distribution simple and easy to automate by providing defaults that work well for Expo and React Native projects out of the box, and by handling your app signing credentials for you (if you wish). It also makes sharing builds with your team easier than ever with internal distribution (using ad hoc and/or enterprise "universal" provisioning), deeply integrates with EAS Submit for app store submissions, and has first-class support for the expo-updates
It's designed to work for any native project, whether or not you use Expo and React Native. It's the fastest way to get from npx create-expo-app
or npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init
to app stores.
Get started
It should only take a few minutes in total to get up and running for iOS and/or Android.
EAS Build can help share preview builds of your app with a single URL.
Learn how you can have the service take your successful builds and handle uploading them to app stores for you automatically.
Automate version bumps so you never have to think about them again.
EAS Build is a hosted service, but you can also run it on your own machine, for example, to debug or to comply with any company security policies.
EAS Build is new and rapidly evolving, so we recommend getting familiar with the current limitations.