Configure EAS Submit with eas.json

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Learn how to configure your project for EAS Submit with eas.json.

eas.json is the configuration file for EAS CLI and services. It is generated when the eas build:configure command runs for the first time in your project and is located next to package.json at the root of your project. Even though eas.json is not mandatory for using EAS Submit, it makes your life easier if you need to switch between different configurations.

Production profile

Running eas submit without specifying a profile name will use the production profile if it is already defined in eas.json to configure the submission. If no values exist in the production profile, EAS CLI will prompt you to provide the values interactively.

The production profile shown below is required to run Android and iOS submissions in a CI/CD process, like with EAS Workflows:

  "cli": {
    "version": ">= 0.34.0"
  "submit": {
    "production": {
      "android": {
        "serviceAccountKeyPath": "../path/to/api-xxx-yyy-zzz.json",
        "track": "internal"
      "ios": {
        "ascAppId": "your-app-store-connect-app-id"

Learn more about the values you can set with the Android specific options and the iOS specific options. You can also learn how to submit to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Multiple profiles

The JSON object under submit can contain multiple submit profiles. Each profile under submit can have an arbitrary name as shown in the example below:

  "cli": {
    "version": "SEMVER_RANGE",
    "requireCommit": boolean
  "build": {
    // EAS Build configuration
    %%placeholder-start%%... %%placeholder-end%%
  "submit": {
      "android": {
      "ios": {
      "extends": "SUBMIT_PROFILE_NAME_1",
      "android": {
    %%placeholder-start%%... %%placeholder-end%%

When you select a build for submission, it chooses the profile that is used for the selected build. If the profile does not exist, it selects the default production profile.

You can also use EAS CLI to pick up another submit profile by specifying it with a parameter. For example, eas submit --platform ios --profile submit-profile-name.

Share configuration between submit profiles

A submit profile can extend another profile using the extends key.

For example, in the preview profile you may have "extends": "production". This makes the preview profile inherit the configuration of the production profile.

You can keep chaining profile extensions up to the depth of 5 as long as you avoid making circular dependencies.

Next step

EAS Submit schema reference

Learn about available properties for EAS Submit to configure and override their default behavior from within your project.