Manage plans and billing
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Learn how to update, downgrade, or cancel your Expo account's plans and manage billing details.
Billing in the Expo dashboard provides information about your account's currently subscribed plan and monthly usage. It also allows you to manage your plan and billing details.
This guide explains how to manage your account's plans and billing information.
Manage plans
View the current plan
- Click Billing from the navigation menu under Organization settings.
- Under Plan, you can see the current plan for your account.
For example, an Organization account is subscribed to the Production plan below:
- Click Billing from the navigation menu under Account settings.
- Under Plan, you can see the current plan for your account.
For example, a Personal account is subscribed to the Production plan below:
Upgrade to a new plan
To upgrade to a different plan:
- Click Billing from the navigation menu in Expo dashboard.
- Under Plan, click Change Plan if you are already on a paid plan. If you are on the Free plan, click Subscribe. It opens the Cart page.
- Under Choose a plan, you can see a list of all available plans. Choose the plan you want to upgrade to and click the Continue to Review button at the bottom of this page.
- Next, you are asked to review and confirm your new plan. After reviewing the details on this page, enable the checkbox and click Continue to Checkout to open the checkout page.
- On Checkout, you are asked to enter your email, card details, and billing address. After adding these details, click Pay Now to subscribe to the new plan.
Note: If you are subscribing to the On-demand plan, you are not charged any fee when you check out. Since this is a usage-based plan, all charges are due at the end of the billing period.
Downgrade a plan
If you are on a Production, Enterprise, or Legacy plan, you can downgrade to the On-demand or Free plan.
Downgrading to the On-demand plan takes effect after your current billing period ends.
To downgrade, go to Billing and follow the steps below:
- Under Plan, click Change Plan.
- Under Choose a plan, select On-demand plan. Then, click Continue to Review at the bottom of the page.
- Next, you need to review and confirm that you're switching to the On-demand plan. Verify that the account you're downgrading from is correct (see the warning on this page). After reviewing the details, enable the checkbox and click Continue to Checkout.
- A Checkout dialog opens up where you can confirm all the details. Click Schedule Downgrade to schedule a downgrade of your plan.
- After confirming your account for a plan downgrade to On-demand, the same information is also reflected under Billing > Plan.
Downgrading to the Free plan takes effect after your current billing period ends and is equivalent to canceling a paid plan.
To downgrade, go to Billing and follow the steps below:
- Under Plan, click Change Plan.
- Under Choose a plan, select Free plan. Then, click Continue to Review at the bottom of the page.
- Next, you need to review and confirm that you're switching to the Free plan. Verify that the account you're downgrading is correct (see the warning on this page). After reviewing the details, enable the checkbox and click Cancel Paid Plan.
- You will be redirected to Stripe's cancel plan screen, where you can cancel your plan. Switching to the Free plan is equivalent to canceling a paid plan at the end of the billing period.
Cancel a plan
Cancellation from a Production or Enterprise plan takes effect after your current billing period ends.
To cancel your plan, on Billing, click Cancel Plan and then click Continue to Stripe to follow the process of your current plan's cancellation.
Cancellation for the On-demand plan takes effect immediately and resets your account's quota to the Free plan.
To cancel your plan, on Billing, click Cancel Plan and then click Cancel Immediately.
Note: If you unsubscribe from an On-demand plan, you will be charged for any usage incurred during the current billing period.
Manage billing information
You can manage your billing-related details such as name, email, address, and payment information, or add a tax ID. All of this information is mentioned on the monthly invoice you receive for the subscribed plan.
Update Billing name, email, or address
To update your billing name, email, or address:
- On Billing, click Update billing information. This will open Stripe's portal where you can view payment methods, billing information, invoicing history, and update your billing information. Then, click Update information.
- Update your billing details by entering your new name, email or address, then click Save.
Tax ID
To add or update your billing tax ID:
- On Billing, click Update billing information. This will open Stripe's portal where you can view and update your billing information. Then, click Update information.
- Under Tax ID, select the ID type, enter your valid tax ID, and click Save.
Payment method
To add a new payment method information:
- On Billing, click Update billing information. This will open Stripe's portal where you can view and update your billing information.
- Under Payment method, click on Add payment method to add a new payment method.
- Enter your new payment method details and click Add.