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Upgrade Expo SDK

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Learn how to incrementally upgrade the Expo SDK version in your project.

We recommend upgrading SDK versions incrementally, one at a time. Doing so will help you pinpoint breakages and issues that arise during the upgrade process.

With a new SDK release, the latest version enters the current release status. This applies to Expo Go as it only supports the latest SDK version and previous versions are no longer supported. We recommend using development builds for production apps as the backwards compatibility for older SDK versions on EAS services tends to be much longer, but not forever.

If you are looking to install a specific version of Expo Go, visit expo.dev/go. It supports downloads for Android devices/emulators and iOS simulators. However, due to iOS platform restrictions, only the latest version of Expo Go is available for installation on physical iOS devices.

How to upgrade to the latest SDK version


Upgrade the Expo SDK

Install the new version of the Expo package:

# Install latest
npm install expo@latest

# Install a specific SDK version (for example, SDK 51)
npm install expo@51
# Install latest
yarn add expo@latest

# Install a specific SDK version (for example, SDK 51)
yarn add expo@51


Upgrade dependencies

Upgrade all dependencies to match the installed SDK version.

npx expo install --fix


Follow the release notes for any other instructions

Read the SDK changelogs for the SDK version you are upgrading to. They contain important information about breaking changes, deprecations, and other changes that may affect your app.

Upgrade native projects

If you manage your own native projects, you will need to manually apply any changes to your native android and ios project directories. Our native project upgrade helper will show you a diff that describes the changes you need to make. Alternatively, you could consider adopting prebuild for easier upgrades in the future.

SDK Changelogs

Each SDK announcement blog post contains deprecations, breaking changes, and anything else that might be unique to that particular SDK version. When upgrading, be sure to check these out to make sure you don't miss anything.

SDK 51

Blog post

SDK 50

Blog Post

Deprecated SDK Version Changelogs

SDK 49

Blog Post

SDK 48

Blog Post

SDK 47

Blog Post

SDK 46

Blog Post

SDK 45

Blog Post

SDK 44

Blog Post

SDK 43

Blog Post

SDK 42

Blog Post

SDK 41

Blog Post

SDK 40

Blog Post

SDK 39

Blog Post

SDK 38

Blog Post

SDK 37

Blog Post

SDK 36

Blog Post

SDK 35

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 34
  • Run expo update 35.0.0
  • There are a few small breaking API changes with this release. See the changelog for the full list.

SDK 34

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 33
  • Run expo update 34.0.0
  • You will need to update your imports to match the new modular format. For example, if you currently have import { FileSystem } from 'expo';, you will need to run npx expo install expo-file-system and then change your import to import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';. We provide a codemod to help automate this.
  • There are a few small breaking API changes with this release. See the changelog for the full list.

SDK 33

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 32
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "33.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-33.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^33.0.0",
  "react": "16.8.3"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • You will need to update your imports to match the new modular format. For example, if you currently have import { FileSystem } from 'expo';, you will need to run npx expo install expo-file-system and then change your import to import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';. We provide a codemod to help automate this.
  • There are several small breaking API changes with this release. See the changelog for the full list.

SDK 32

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 31
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "32.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-32.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^32.0.0",
  "react": "16.5.0"
  • If using the default .babelrc, change it to babel.config.js:
module.exports = function (api) {
  return {
    presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • There are several small breaking API changes with this release. See the changelog for the full list.

SDK 31

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 30
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "31.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-31.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^31.0.0",
  "react": "16.5.0"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • There are several small breaking API changes with this release. See the changelog for the full list.

SDK 30

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 29
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "30.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-30.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^30.0.0",
  "react": "16.3.1"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • Fingerprint has been renamed to LocalAuthentication

SDK 29

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 28
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "29.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-29.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^29.0.0",
  "react": "16.3.1"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • Some field names in Contacts were changed. See the documentation for more information.

SDK 28

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 27
  • app.json, change sdkVersion to "28.0.0",
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-28.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^28.0.0",
  "react": "16.3.1"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • Android apps on all SDK versions now require notification channels for push notifications. This may impact you even if you don't yet use SDK 28. Read this blog post for all of the necessary information.
  • Android app icons are now coerced into adaptive icons. Be sure to test your app icon and supply an adaptive icon if needed. Read this blog post for all of the necessary information.
  • Print has been moved out of DangerZone; update your imports accordingly.

SDK 27

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 26
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "27.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-27.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^27.0.0",
  "react": "16.3.1"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • View.propTypes has been removed from React Native, so if your code (or any of your dependent libraries) uses it, that will break. Use ViewPropTypes instead. We strongly recommend running your app with the dev flag disabled to test whether it's affected by this change.
  • We changed the format of Constants.linkingUri (see Linking changes above), so if your code makes assumptions about this, you should double check that.
  • Camera roll permissions are now required to use ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync() and ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync(). You can ask for them by calling Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL).

SDK 26

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 25
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "26.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-26.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^26.0.0",
  "react": "16.3.0-alpha.1"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • Expo.Util is deprecated, functionality has been moved out to Expo.DangerZone.Localization and Expo.Updates.
  • ios.loadJSInBackgroundExperimental is now deprecated, use the new Updates API instead. The equivalent of this configuration is updates.fallbackToCacheTimeout: 0.
  • isRemoteJSEnabled is also deprecated, use updates.enabled instead.
  • React Native 0.54 depends on React 16.3.0-alpha.1. React 16.3 deprecates the usage of componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, and componentWillUpdate. These have been replaced with static lifecycle methods: getDerivedStateFromProps and getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, but only getDerivedStateFromProps is available in 16.3.0-alpha.1.
  • On iOS, WebBrowser.dismissBrowser() promise now resolves with {type:'dismiss} rather than {type:'dismissed'} to match Android
  • AdMob method name changes. requestAd to requestAdAsync, showAd to showAdAsync, isReady to getIsReadyAsync.
  • On iOS, Contacts urls was renamed to urlAddresses to match Android. Related commit.
  • On iOS, calling Notifications.getExpoPushToken() will throw an error if you don't have permission to send notifications. We recommend call Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS) and, if needed and you haven't asked before, Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS) before getting push token.
  • React Native 0.53.0 removed the TextInput autoGrow prop. Commit.

SDK 25

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 24
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "25.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-25.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^25.0.0",
  "react": "16.2.0"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • If you have any scripts in your project that depend on metro-bundler, you will need to change those to metro (related commit). A likely place for this is in rn-cli.config.js.
  • Although not technically part of the SDK, React Navigation is commonly used by Expo users, and it's worth mentioning that on Android React Navigation now properly accounts for the translucent status bar. This may require you to remove code that you have to workaround that (maybe a paddingTop somewhere to avoid the content from rendering underneath the status bar). Read the React Navigation release notes for more information. Only applies to react-navigation@1.0.0-beta.26 and higher.

SDK 24

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 23
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "24.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-24.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^24.0.0",
  "react": "16.0.0"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again

The following APIs have been removed after being deprecated for a minimum of 2 releases:

  • Expo.LegacyAsyncStorage
  • Expo.Font.style
  • Passing an object into Expo.SQLite.openDatabase() instead of separate arguments is no longer supported.

SDK 23

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 22
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "23.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-23.0.0.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^23.0.0",
  "react": "16.0.0"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again
  • React Native no longer supports nesting components inside of <Image> — some developers used this to use an image as a background behind other views. To fix this in your app, replace the Image component anywhere where you are nesting views inside of it with the ImageBackground component, like this:
<View style={styles.container}>
      width: 280,
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyContent: 'center',
      padding: 30,
    <Text style={{ color: '#fff', fontSize: 18 }}>
      The universe... what a concept. You know, the universe is a little bit like the human hand.
      For example, you have groundmen's center right here and then you have undiscovered worlds and
      uh, um and sector 8 and up here is tittleman's crest so you can kinda picture it's a little
      bit like a leaf or uhh, umm, it's not a bowl.
  • React Native now defaults enableBabelRCLookup (recursive) to false in Metro bundler (the default bundler for React Native). This is unlikely to cause any problems for your application — in our case, this lets us remove a script to delete nested .babelrc files from node_modules in our postinstall. If you run into transform errors when updating your app, read this commit message for more information and to see how to opt-in to the old behavior.

SDK 22

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 21
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "22.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-22.0.1.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^22.0.0",
  "react": "16.0.0-beta.5"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again

Metro Bundler (the default React Native bundler) now errors (instead of silently ignoring) dynamic requires. In particular this breaks an older version of moment.js if you were using that (or indirectly depending on it).

  • This is a known issue with Metro which is being tracked on the project's GitHub issues.
  • If you use moment.js in your app, you may have success with this fix.

Several deprecated APIs have been removed. All of these APIs printed warning messages in previous releases:

  • Expo.Notifications.getExponentPushToken is now Expo.Notifications.getExpoPushToken.
  • Expo.AdMob.AdMobInterstitials.tryShowNewInterstitial has been removed in favor of requestAd and showAd.
  • Expo.Segment.initializeAndroid and initializeIOS have been removed in favor of Expo.Segment.initialize.
  • The tintEffect prop of Expo.BlurView has been removed in favor of the tint prop.
  • Expo.SecureStore.setValueWithKeyAsync, getValueWithKeyAsync, and deleteValueWithKeyAsync are now setItemAsync, getItemAsync, and deleteItemAsync. The order of arguments to setValueWithKeyAsync changed from (value, key) to (key, value).
  • The callback prop of Expo.Video and Expo.Audio is now onPlaybackStatusUpdate. This is not a breaking change yet but we plan to remove LegacyAsyncStorage in SDK 24. If you, or any libraries that you use. use View.propTypes.style you will need to change that to ViewPropTypes.style.

If you have not yet updated your imports of PropTypes as warned in deprecation warnings in previous releases, you will need to do this now. Install the prop-types package and import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; instead of import { PropTypes } from React;! Similarly, if you depend on React.createClass, you will need to install the create-react-class package and import createReactClass from 'create-react-class'; as described in the React documentation.

SDK 21

Blog Post

Upgrade from SDK 20
  • In app.json, change sdkVersion to "21.0.0"
  • In package.json, change these dependencies:
  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-21.0.2.tar.gz",
  "expo": "^21.0.0",
  "react": "16.0.0-alpha.12"
  • Delete your project's node_modules directory and run npm install again


  • The takePicture function is now called takePictureAsync and now returns an object with many keys, instead of just returning the URI. The URI is available under the uri key of the returned object.

  • Previously this function would return a value like: "file://path/to/your/file.jpg"

  • And will now return an object like: { "uri": "file://path/to/your/file.jpg" }

Secure Store

  • setValueWithKeyAsyncsetItemAsync: The order of the arguments has been reversed to match typical key-value store APIs. This function used to expect (value, key) and now expects (key, value).
  • getValueWithKeyAsyncgetItemAsync: Trying to retrieve an entry that doesn't exist returns null instead of throwing an error.
  • deleteValueWithKeyAsyncdeleteItemAsync


  • We had previously announced Stripe support on iOS as part of our experimental DangerZone APIs. The Payments API was using the Stripe SDK on iOS. We learned that Apple sometimes rejects apps that contain the Stripe SDK but doesn't offer anything for sale. To help your App Review process go more smoothly, we have decided to remove the Stripe SDK and experimental Payments API from apps built with the Expo standalone builder. We are still excited to give developers a way to let users pay for goods when they need to and we will announce more ways to do so shortly.