EAS Build Limitations
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Learn about the current limitations of EAS Build.
EAS Build is designed to work for any React Native project. However, it is good to be aware of certain limitations that we plan to address since they could prevent you from being able to use the service for your applications or might cause an inconvenience.
Fixed memory and CPU limits on build worker servers
The resources available might be insufficient to build your app if your build process requires a significant amount of memory. In this case, consider using a large
resource class in the eas.json. See Android-specific resource class and iOS-specific resource class.
See Server infrastructure reference for more information. It contains the most up-to-date information about the current specifications of the Android (Ubuntu) and iOS (macOS) build servers.
Limited dependency caching
Build jobs for Android install npm and Maven dependencies from a local cache. Build jobs for iOS install npm dependencies from a local cache, and CocoaPods artifacts from a cache server.
Intermediate artifacts like node_modules directories are not cached and restored (for example, based on package-lock.json or yarn.lock), but if you commit them to your Git repository then they will be uploaded to build servers.
See dependency caching for more information.
Maximum build duration of 2 hours
If your build takes longer than 2 hours to run, it will be canceled. This limit is lower on the free plan, and the limit is subject to change in the future.
Maximum number of pending builds is 50 per platform per account
If you have more than 50 builds pending for a platform, new builds will be rejected until the number of pending builds drops below the limit.
Yarn workspaces is recommended for monorepos
Note: Official guidance for package managers other than Yarn is limited.
While you likely can have success using other monorepo tools like Nx if you are willing to dig in and understand the tooling and get your hands dirty, the Expo team will be unable to provide support and guidance on those tools. We recommend using Yarn Workspaces because it is the only monorepo tool that we provide first-class integration with at the moment.
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