A config plugin that allows customizing native build properties during prebuild.
is a config plugin configuring the native build properties
of your android/gradle.properties and ios/Podfile.properties.json directories during Prebuild.
This config plugin configures how Prebuild command generates the native android and ios directories and therefore cannot be used with projects that don't runnpx expo prebuild
(bare projects).
Platform Compatibility
Android Device | Android Emulator | iOS Device | iOS Simulator | Web |
npx expo install expo-build-properties
Example app.json with config plugin
"expo": {
"plugins": [
"android": {
"compileSdkVersion": 33,
"targetSdkVersion": 33,
"buildToolsVersion": "33.0.0"
"ios": {
"deploymentTarget": "13.0"
export default {
expo: {
plugins: [
android: {
compileSdkVersion: 33,
targetSdkVersion: 33,
buildToolsVersion: '33.0.0',
ios: {
deploymentTarget: '13.0',
All configurable properties
interface represents currently available configuration properties.
Parameter | Type | Description |
config | ExpoConfig | Expo config for application. |
props | PluginConfigType | Configuration for the build properties plugin. |
Config plugin allowing customizing native Android and iOS build properties for managed apps.
Interface representing extra CocoaPods dependency.
Property | Type | Description |
branch(optional) | string | The git branch to fetch. See the git property for more information. |
commit(optional) | string | The git commit to fetch. See the git property for more information. |
configurations(optional) | string[] | Build configurations for which the pod should be installed. Example ['Debug', 'Release']
git(optional) | string | Use the bleeding edge version of a Pod. Example { "name": "AFNetworking", "git": "https://github.com/gowalla/AFNetworking.git", "tag": "0.7.0" }
This acts like to add this pod dependency statement: pod 'AFNetworking', :git => 'https://github.com/gowalla/AFNetworking.git', :tag => '0.7.0'
modular_headers(optional) | boolean | Whether this pod should use modular headers. |
name | string | Name of the pod. |
path(optional) | string | Custom local filesystem path to add the dependency. Example ~/Documents/AFNetworking
podspec(optional) | string | Custom podspec path. Example
source(optional) | string | Custom source to search for this dependency. Example https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git
tag(optional) | string | The git tag to fetch. See the git property for more information. |
testspecs(optional) | string[] | Test specs can be optionally included via the :testspecs option. By default, none of a Pod's test specs are included. Example ['UnitTests', 'SomeOtherTests']
version(optional) | string | Version of the pod. CocoaPods supports various versioning options. Example ~> 0.1.2
Interface representing base build properties configuration.
Property | Type | Description |
android(optional) | PluginConfigTypeAndroid | Only for: Android Interface representing available configuration for Android native build properties. |
ios(optional) | PluginConfigTypeIos | Only for: iOS Interface representing available configuration for iOS native build properties. |
Interface representing available configuration for Android native build properties.
Property | Type | Description |
buildToolsVersion(optional) | string | Override the default |
compileSdkVersion(optional) | number | Override the default |
enableProguardInReleaseBuilds(optional) | boolean | Enable Proguard or R8 in release builds to obfuscate Java code and reduce app size. |
enableShrinkResourcesInReleaseBuilds(optional) | boolean | Enable |
extraMavenRepos(optional) | string[] | Add extra maven repositories to all gradle projects. This acts like to add the following code to android/build.gradle:
extraProguardRules(optional) | string | Append custom Proguard rules to android/app/proguard-rules.pro. |
kotlinVersion(optional) | string | Override the Kotlin version used when building the app. |
manifestQueries(optional) | PluginConfigTypeAndroidQueries | Specifies the set of other apps that an app intends to interact with. These other apps are specified by package name, by intent signature, or by provider authority. |
minSdkVersion(optional) | number | Override the default |
networkInspector(optional) | boolean | Enable the Network Inspector. Default: true |
newArchEnabled(optional) | boolean | Enable React Native new architecture for Android platform. |
packagingOptions(optional) | PluginConfigTypeAndroidPackagingOptions | Interface representing available configuration for Android Gradle plugin PackagingOptions. |
targetSdkVersion(optional) | number | Override the default |
useLegacyPackaging(optional) | boolean | Instructs the Android Gradle plugin to compress native libraries in the APK using the legacy packaging system. Default: false |
usesCleartextTraffic(optional) | boolean | Indicates whether the app intends to use cleartext network traffic. Default: false |
Interface representing available configuration for Android Gradle plugin PackagingOptions.
Property | Type | Description |
doNotStrip(optional) | string[] | Array of patterns for native libraries that should not be stripped of debug symbols. |
exclude(optional) | string[] | Array of patterns for native libraries that should be excluded from being packaged in the APK. |
merge(optional) | string[] | Array of patterns for native libraries where all occurrences are concatenated and packaged in the APK. |
pickFirst(optional) | string[] | Array of patterns for native libraries where only the first occurrence is packaged in the APK. |
Property | Type | Description |
intent(optional) | PluginConfigTypeAndroidQueriesIntent[] | Specifies an intent filter signature. Your app can discover other apps that have matching <intent-filter> elements. These intents have restrictions compared to typical intent filter signatures.
package | string[] | Specifies a single app that your app intends to access. This other app might integrate with your app, or your app might use services that the other app provides. |
provider(optional) | string[] | Specifies one or more content provider authorities. Your app can discover other apps whose content providers use the specified authorities. There are some restrictions on the options that you can include in this <provider> element, compared to a typical <provider> manifest element. You may only specify the android:authorities attribute. |
Property | Type | Description |
host(optional) | string | Specify a URI authority host that is handled |
mimeType(optional) | string | Specify a MIME type that is handled |
scheme(optional) | string | Specify a URI scheme that is handled |
Property | Type | Description |
action(optional) | string | A string naming the action to perform. Usually one of the platform-defined values, such as ACTION_SEND or ACTION_VIEW |
category(optional) | string | string[] | Provides an additional way to characterize the activity handling the intent, usually related to the user gesture or location from which it's started. |
data(optional) | PluginConfigTypeAndroidQueriesData | A description of the data associated with the intent. |
Interface representing available configuration for iOS native build properties.
Property | Type | Description |
deploymentTarget(optional) | string | Override the default iOS "Deployment Target" version in the following projects:
extraPods(optional) | ExtraIosPodDependency[] | Add extra CocoaPods dependencies for all targets. This acts like to add the following code to ios/Podfile: pod '[EXTRA_POD_NAME]', '~> [EXTRA_POD_VERSION]'
# e.g.
pod 'Protobuf', '~> 3.14.0'
networkInspector(optional) | boolean | Enable the Network Inspector. Default: true |
newArchEnabled(optional) | boolean | Enable React Native new architecture for iOS platform. |
useFrameworks(optional) | 'static' | 'dynamic' | Enable |