A universal library that allows downloading assets and using them with other libraries.
provides an interface to Expo's asset system. An asset is any file that lives alongside the source code of your app that the app needs at runtime. Examples include images, fonts, and sounds. Expo's asset system integrates with React Native's, so that you can refer to files with require('path/to/file')
. This is how you refer to static image files in React Native for use in an Image
component, for example. Check out React Native's documentation on static image resources for more information. This method of referring to static image resources works out of the box with Expo.
Platform Compatibility
Android Device | Android Emulator | iOS Device | iOS Simulator | Web |
npx expo install expo-asset
If you are installing this in an existing React Native app, start by installing expo
in your project. Then, follow the additional instructions as mentioned by the library's README under "Installation in bare React Native projects" section.
import { Asset } from 'expo-asset';
Parameter | Type |
moduleIds | number | number[] |
Downloads and stores one or more assets locally. After the assets are loaded, this hook returns a list of asset instances. If something went wrong when loading the assets, an error is returned.
Note, the assets are not "reloaded" when you dynamically change the asset list.
Returns an array containing:
- on the first position, a list of all loaded assets. If they aren't loaded yet, this value is
. - on the second position, an error which encountered when loading the assets. If there was no
error, this value is
const [assets, error] = useAssets([require('path/to/asset.jpg'), require('path/to/other.png')]);
return assets ? <Image source={assets[0]} /> : null;
The Asset
class represents an asset in your app. It gives metadata about the asset (such as its
name and type) and provides facilities to load the asset data.
Asset Properties
null | number
 • Default: null
If the asset is an image, the height of the image data divided by the scale factor. The scale factor is the number after @
in the filename, or 1
if not present.
null | string
 • Default: null
If the asset has been downloaded (by calling downloadAsync()
), the
URI pointing to the local file on the device that contains the asset data.
The name of the asset file without the extension. Also without the part from @
onward in the
filename (used to specify scale factor for images).
A URI that points to the asset's data on the remote server. When running the published version of your app, this refers to the location on Expo's asset server where Expo has stored your asset. When running the app from Expo CLI during development, this URI points to Expo CLI's server running on your computer and the asset is served directly from your computer. If you are not using Classic Updates (legacy), this field should be ignored as we ensure your assets are on device before before running your application logic.
Asset Methods
Downloads the asset data to a local file in the device's cache directory. Once the returned
promise is fulfilled without error, the localUri
field of this asset points
to a local file containing the asset data. The asset is only downloaded if an up-to-date local
file for the asset isn't already present due to an earlier download. The downloaded Asset
will be returned when the promise is resolved.
Returns a Promise which fulfills with an Asset
Parameter | Type | Description |
virtualAssetModule | string | number | The value of |
Parameter | Type | Description |
moduleId | string | number | number[] | string[] | An array of |
Property | Type | Description |
hash(optional) | string | null | - |
height(optional) | number | null | - |
name | string | - |
type | string | - |
uri | string | - |
width(optional) | number | null | - |
Type: Pick<PackagerAsset, 'httpServerLocation' | 'name' | 'hash' | 'type' | 'scales' | 'width' | 'height'>
extended by:
Property | Type | Description |
fileHashes(optional) | string[] | - |
fileUris(optional) | string[] | - |
uri(optional) | string | - |