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A list of guides and references about Expo Router for further reading.

There's much to learn about Expo Router if you are diving into the file-based routing framework for the first time. The following guides and references will help you dive deep:

Navigation patterns


See Stack navigator's complete reference for more information on API methods.


See Tabs navigator's complete reference for more information on API methods.


Learn how to use Drawer navigator in Expo Router.


Learn how to use modals in Expo Router.

Shared routes

Learn how to define shared routes or use arrays to use the same route multiple times with different layouts using Expo Router.



Learn how to implement authentication and protect routes with Expo Router.


Learn how to implement authentication and protect routes with Expo Router.


Learn how to interact with the in-app URL in Expo Router.

Platform-specific Modules

Learn how to switch modules based on the platform in Expo Router.

API Routes

Learn how to redirect URLs in Expo Router.

Migrate from React Navigation

Learn how to migrate an existing project using React Navigation to Expo Router.