Send over-the-air updates

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Learn how to send over-the-air updates to push critical bug fixes and improvements to your users.

You can send over-the-air updates containing critical bug fixes and improvements to your users.

Get started

If you've published previews or created a build before, you may have already set up updates and can skip this section.

To set up updates, run the following EAS CLI command:

eas update:configure

After the command completes, you'll need to make new builds before continuing to the next section.

Send an update

To send an update, run the following EAS CLI command:

eas update --channel production

This command will create an update and make it available to builds of your app that are configured to receive updates on the production channel. This channel is defined in eas.json.

You can verify the update works by force closing the app and reopening it two times. The update should be applied on the second launch.