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A library with a flexible API for accessing the device's safe area inset information.

This library is listed in the Expo SDK reference because it is included in Expo Go. You may use any library of your choice with development builds.

react-native-safe-area-context provides a flexible API for accessing device safe area inset information. This allows you to position your content appropriately around notches, status bars, home indicators, and other such device and operating system interface elements. It also provides a SafeAreaView component that you can use in place of View to automatically inset your views to account for safe areas.

Platform Compatibility

Android DeviceAndroid EmulatoriOS DeviceiOS SimulatorWeb


- npx expo install react-native-safe-area-context

If you're installing this in a bare React Native app, you should also follow these additional installation instructions.


import {
} from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

SafeAreaView is a regular View component with the safe area edges applied as padding.

If you set your own padding on the view, it will be added to the padding from the safe area.

If you are targeting web, you must set up SafeAreaProvider as described in the hooks section. You do not need to for native platforms.

import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function SomeComponent() {
  return (
      <View />


All props are optional.


true (default) or false

On iOS 10, emulate the safe area using the status bar height and home indicator sizes.


Array of top, right, bottom, and left. Defaults to all.

Sets the edges to apply the safe area insets to.


Hooks give you direct access to the safe area insets. This is a more advanced use-case, and might perform worse than SafeAreaView when rotating the device.

First, add SafeAreaProvider in your app root component. You may need to add it in other places too, including at the root of any modals any any routes when using react-native-screen.

import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function App() {
  return <SafeAreaProvider>...</SafeAreaProvider>;

You use the useSafeAreaInsets hook to get the insets in the form of { top: number, right: number, bottom: number: number, left: number }.

import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function HookComponent() {
  const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();

  return <View style={{ paddingTop: insets.top }} />;

Usage with consumer api:

import { SafeAreaInsetsContext } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

class ClassComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {insets => <View style={{ paddingTop: insets.top }} />}


If you can, use SafeAreaView. It's implemented natively so when rotating the device, there is no delay from the asynchronous bridge.

To speed up the initial render, you can import initialWindowMetrics from this package and set as the initialMetrics prop on the provider as described in Web SSR. You cannot do this if your provider remounts, or you are using react-native-navigation.

import { SafeAreaProvider, initialWindowMetrics } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function App() {
  return <SafeAreaProvider initialMetrics={initialWindowMetrics}>...</SafeAreaProvider>;


If you are doing server side rendering on the web, you can use initialSafeAreaInsets to inject values based on the device the user has, or simply pass zero. Otherwise, insets measurement will break rendering your page content since it is async.

Migrating from CSS


In a web-only app, you would use CSS environment variables to get the size of the screen's safe area insets.


div {
  padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);
  padding-left: env(safe-area-inset-left);
  padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);
  padding-right: env(safe-area-inset-right);


Universally, the hook useSafeAreaInsets() can provide access to this information.


import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

function App() {
  const insets = useSafeAreaInsets();

  return (
        paddingTop: insets.top,
        paddingLeft: insets.left,
        paddingBottom: insets.bottom,
        paddingRight: insets.right,