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Expo is an open-source framework for apps that run natively on Android, iOS, and the web. Expo brings together the best of mobile and the web and enables many important features for building and scaling an app.

Get Started

Learn about prerequisites and how to quickly start a universal project with Expo.


Developing an app requires writing code in JavaScript/TypeScript. When you create a new project, Expo provides a standard project structure that you can customize as per your needs. It also provides development builds that help your team to iterate quickly to achieve web-like iteration speeds and safely.


Distributing a preview version of your app requires sharing it with your team for quality assurance (QA). This creates a feedback loop that helps you to improve your app before deploying it to the app stores. Expo provides a quicker way to distribute your app for review using EAS Update with development builds. This eliminates the need to rebuild or upload the app to an app store's test track and allows you to respond to feedback promptly.


Deploying your app requires you to publish your app to the Play Store and App Store. Expo provides a build service that helps you build your app for Android and iOS. It also provides ways to automate uploading and submitting your app binaries to the app stores, and fixing small bugs and pushing quick fixes a snap in between app store submissions.

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There are plenty of other features and best practices to continue exploring along the way, such as collaborating with your team, using Expo modules, debugging, and working on the command line with Expo CLI.