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Migrate from "expo build"

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A reference for migrating from "expo build" (classic builds) to EAS Build.

This page covers practical differences you should know when migrating your Expo managed app from expo build (also known as classic builds) to EAS Build. If this is your first time using EAS Build, you can use this page as a companion to Create your first build.

One of the goals of EAS Build is to make it as easy as possible to migrate from expo build. For example, your app signing credentials will be automatically re-used, and the Expo SDK and your app config (app.json) configuration will all work the same as before. However, some differences between the two build processes require additional configuration or small code changes.

Understand the differences between classic and EAS builds

Apps built with EAS Build are like other CI services — the entire project is uploaded securely to the cloud, then downloaded by a build server, the dependencies are installed, and the build is run.

With classic builds, your app's JavaScript is built on your development machine (when you publish the app bundle before building), but now the app's JavaScript is built on an EAS Build builder. Everything required to build your app must be included in the project to be uploaded.

To learn more about how EAS Build creates a successful build of your project, see Android and iOS build processes.

Files ignored in Git are not uploaded

Any file or directory that is ignored in the .gitignore file will not be uploaded. For example, when Google Services (google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist) files are added in .gitignore, they are ignored. For a file like this or any other in your project that is necessary for a successful build, you can either remove it from .gitignore and commit it or encode with base64 and store it in EAS Secrets, then decode at build time.

Libraries only in package.json are included in the app

This often results in massive reductions in app size. Managed apps built with EAS Build can be 10x smaller than the same app built with expo build.

The tradeoff when migrating from expo build is that you need to be careful when publishing updates to avoid publishing an incompatible JavaScript bundle because the build contains some native code that cannot be changed with an update. However, you can set up and use runtime version property that guarantees compatibility between a build's native code and an update to avoid this tradeoff.

Environment variables used by your app need to be defined for EAS Build

If you use environment variables in your app.config.js or in your app source code (for example, with babel-plugin-inline-dotenv), you need to define these variables for your build profiles or in secrets, as described in Environment variables and secrets.

Custom "main" entry point in package.json is not supported for SDK 48 and below

If your app uses SDK 48 or below and depends on a custom "main" entry point, remove it from package.json. Then, create index.js at the root of your project and use registerRootComponent to register your root component.

For example, if your app's root component lives in src/App.tsx, the index.js should look like the following:

import { registerRootComponent } from 'expo';
import App from './src/App';


Note: For SDK 49 and above, see how to rename the main app file.

The --config flag is not supported

If you are using expo build:[ios|android] --config app.production.json to switch app configuration files used by your project, you'll have to migrate to an alternative since this is not supported in EAS Build. For more information, see Migrating away from the --config flag in Expo CLI.

Additional configuration is required to access private npm packages

For more information on how to securely store NPM_TOKEN on EAS Build, see Using private npm packages.

All assets referenced in source code are bundled

With classic builds, assetBundlePatterns serves two purposes:

  1. Assets that match the given patterns are bundled in the binary at build time.
  2. Assets that match the given patterns determine the contents of an "atomic" update bundle. All files matching assetBundlePatterns need to be downloaded before an update is considered ready to launch.

Only the second purpose applies to the EAS Build system. All assets referenced in your app source code are bundled into your app binary at build time, the same as in a default React Native app — assetBundlePatterns is not used to determine what assets to bundle in the binary. It's only used for update bundles.

Constants.manifest is deprecated

If you are using Constants.manifest to access fields, you should switch to Constants.expoConfig to access them from the expo-constants library.

App config (app.json/app.config.js)

userInterfaceStyle depends on expo-system-ui being installed

On Android, selecting a native appearance mode with userInterfaceStyle (or android.userInterfaceStyle) in the app.json will only work if expo-system-ui is installed. This is because expo-system-ui enables locking the interface natively based on the app.json.

Run the following command to install the expo-system-ui library:

- npx expo install expo-system-ui

androidNavigationBar depends on expo-navigation-bar being installed

On Android, selecting the navigation bar interaction behavior with androidNavigationBar.visible in the app.json will only work if expo-navigation-bar is installed in the project.

Also, consider migrating away from this property as the underlying Android APIs are deprecated. For more information, see the migration guide.

Run the following command to install the expo-navigation-bar library:

- npx expo install expo-navigation-bar

splash depends on expo-splash-screen being installed

On Android, configuring the resizeMode or positioning of the splash screen with splash (or android.splash) in the app.json will only work if expo-splash-screen is installed in the project.

Run the following command to install the expo-splash-screen library:

- npx expo install expo-splash-screen

backgroundColor depends on expo-system-ui being installed

On iOS, selecting the root background color (for native modals and flipping orientations) with ios.backgroundColor in the app.json will only work if expo-system-ui is installed. This is because expo-system-ui includes code for setting the color natively based on the app.json.

Run the following command to install the expo-system-ui library:

- npx expo install expo-system-ui


If you are migrating from expo build and using expo publish to update your app, you are using Classic Updates. Once you migrate to EAS Build, you can also take advantage of our new-and-improved updates service, EAS Update. For in-depth information on how to migrate your project to EAS Update, see Migrating from Classic updates to EAS Update.

No more automatic publishing before building

With classic builds, the default behavior was to automatically publish your app with Classic Updates as an update before running a build. This had some unintended consequences. For example, sometimes developers would run a build and be surprised to learn that their existing app was updated as a side effect.

With EAS Build, the Classic Update's expo publish command is not run as part of the build process. Instead, the JavaScript bundle is generated locally on EAS Build at build time and directly embedded in the app.

Since we no longer publish at build time, postPublish hooks in app.json will not be executed on the build. If you use Sentry, update the sentry-expo library to the latest version and follow the updated instructions in Using Sentry. If you have other custom postPublish hooks, you can follow the same approach used in sentry-expo to support postPublish hook type of behavior.

Constants.manifest does not include update related fields

Since we no longer publish the app before builds, no update manifest is available until the app downloads an update. Usually, this means that for the first launch of the app, you won't have some fields available.

If you are using, you should switch to Updates.releaseChannel (for Classic Updates) or (for EAS Update) from the expo-updates library.

Constants.appOwnership will be null in the resulting standalone app

The Constants.appOwnership field no longer exists in apps produced by EAS Build. If you were previously testing the environment with something similar to const isStandaloneApp = Constants.appOwnership === "standalone", switch to use Constants.executionEnvironment.

Monorepos may require additional setup

Classic builds had no knowledge of your repository setup. You could use a monorepo or birepo or trirepo, the service was entirely indifferent. As long as you could publish a bundle, that's all that was needed.

EAS Build needs to be able to install all of your project dependencies to set up the development environment inside a builder. In some cases, that will require some additional configuration. For more information, see How to set up EAS Build with a monorepo and Working with Monorepos.


expo-branch is not supported on EAS Build

Remove expo-branch from your app to build with EAS Build. You can use the official react-native-branch with @config-plugins/react-native-branch.

amazon-cognito-identity-js is required if you use AWS Amplify

In projects built with expo build the native primitives required by AWS Amplify are included in every app. This is not the case in EAS Build, and you must install amazon-cognito-identity-js to link the native module depended on by AWS Amplify libraries.

Animated WebP is not supported by default

Most apps do not use this format and support for it adds around 3.4 MB to the final app size, so it is omitted by default. You can enable it by switching expo.webp.animated=false to expo.webp.animated=true using a custom Config plugin to update android/ For more information on how to implement the config plugin, see this example from the community.

metro.config.js must export the entire default config from expo/metro-config

expo/metro-config is a versioned re-export of @expo/metro-config.

Previously, with classic builds, your metro.config.js might have looked something like:

const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config');

const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);

module.exports = {
  resolver: {
    assetExts: [...defaultConfig.resolver.assetExts, 'db'],

In the example above, you're only exporting part of the default config. However, EAS Build requires the full config. To do that, you have to modify defaultConfig directly, and then return the resulting object as shown below:

const { getDefaultConfig } = require('expo/metro-config');

const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);


module.exports = defaultConfig;

If you don't set up your metro.config.js file properly, your assets could fail to load in release builds. For more information, see Customizing Metro.

Troubleshooting build errors and crashes

For more information, see troubleshooting runtime and build errors, and crashes.

Having trouble migrating? Join us in the #eas channel on the Discord and Forums and let us know.